Quick look around

We are going to be looking at the src directory, but first:


This file contains the config for the TypeScript compiler; here's couple of interesting lines to check out:

"target": "es5"

Version of JavaScript standard to compile to. ES5 is fine for semi-modern browsers, ES6 can be used for controlled environments (like node).

"strict": true

Enables 4 flags:

  • alwaysStrict - enables JavaScript strict mode for every emitted file

  • strictNullChecks - forces better checks for null/undefined

  • noImplicitAny - forces typing for variables/arguments

  • noImplicitThis - forces typing for this, preventing context sheningans

:warning: Personal opinion: should be turned on for ALL new projects, but it's probably a good idea to turn this option to false for existing codebases.


Styles for the App component.


Unit tests for the component.


Finally, the component file itself. There's some code written already that we'll replace.

  • capital "A" - all component names (and filenames) should be written in upper camel case, without any pre- or suffixes. ( :warning: according to AirBnB style-guide )

  • export default App; - default exports are a standard practice for React.

  • return ( ... - allows for better formatting

By the way, .tsx stands for TypeScript + JSX.


Entry point of the whole operation, starts our React app with the ReactDOM.render line. This is where most of the global stuff, like global styles, should go.


Global styles


Not interesting in itself, but why here and not in /public directory? /public contains only truly static assets, while importing them into the component file allows for easier usage and webpack transformations.


Typings for the React environment internals. Not interesting from the app development standpoint, but removing it will break the project.


Contains the code for a default service worker enabling PWA style app. Also, all files that don't contain components should be named using the lower camel-case style.


Last updated